The Center for Investment and Commerce (CICOMER) is a private non-pro t Honduran organization whose vision is to promote a sustainable economy in terms of consumption, production and trade. For us, sustainability is a balance between social, environmental and economic aspects taken into consideration in the whole life cycle of agricultural products.

We work as the backbone organization whose role is to enhance collaborative work among the different actors who contribute to sustainable development, with the aim to align actions and efforts that allow ef cient and effective interventions for production, consumption and commerce projects.
We support initiatives that promote responsible consumption; and to produce and export in harmony with the environment and the society, we create projects and develop visionary plans of action to generate sustainable businesses.


If production is sustainable, then the environment, employees, communities and organizations all benefit. These conditions can lead, always in the long therm, and often in the short term, to more economically viable and productive enterprises.


Sustainable consumption is the use of products and services that have a minimal impact on the environment  so future generations can meet their needs. Learn about the benefits and the complexities that are associated with sustainable comsumption.


Sustainable trade implies a trading system that does not harm the environment or deteriorate social conditions while promoting economical growth.
